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HARMONY Model Suite: an integrated platform for sustainable mobility planning in Turin

WORKSHOP – Turin, November 14th, 2022 – 10.45-15.30



HARMONY is a European project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Programme. It began in June 2019 and is scheduled to end in February 2023. The consortium, coordinated by the University College of London, consists of 21 partners from 9 European countries. HARMONY’s main goal is to develop a new generation of harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools which comprehensively model the dynamics of the changing transport sector and spatial organisation, enabling metropolitan area authorities to lead the transition to a low carbon new mobility era in a sustainable manner.

Turin, with the related Functional Urban Area, is one of the six metropolitan areas involved in the project where the integrated modeling tool (HARMONY Model Suite) has been applied. Within the Turin metropolitan area, HARMONY focuses on modelling the territorial impact generated by the new public transport infrastructures (metro and rail), the new MaaS (Mobility as a Service) mobility paradigm, traffic calming policies and low-emission zones, as well as the impact of remote working on mobility in the metropolitan area.

At the workshop, the objectives and expected results of the project will be presented, with an overview of the modelling applications developed for the Turin metropolitan area, the passenger survey conducted with a smartphone application, and a demonstration of the HARMONY Model Suite user interface for simulating scenarios.

The objective is on one hand to present the activities carried out, and on the other hand to discuss and explore barriers, strengths, opportunities and desirability of the modeling tool developed during the project.

The workshop is free of charge but registration is required here.


11.00 | Welcome and introduction (Urban Lab)

11.10 | The HARMONY project and the modelling platform (HARMONY Model Suite)

11.35 | The modelling applications developed within the Turin context

12.20 | The passenger mobility survey carried out in Turin and its metropolitan area

13.00 | Break

14.00 | The scenarios designed for the Turin application

14.15 | HARMONY Model Suite presentation for the Turin context

15.15 | Conclusions and future improvements