

New website and features in MOMOS – Model for Sustainable urban Mobility

  • 29 November 2023
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logo ENGMOMOS – Sustainable MObility Model, is a strategic assessment tool for the analysis of integrated mobility strategies. The model has been developed and designed by TRT for supporting Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) in some Italian cities, as well as for European studies focusing on the transition toward sustainable urban mobility and decarbonisation targets.

MOMOS is constantly under development, on one hand to increase the accuracy of estimated indicators and improve its adaptation to various urban contexts, on the other hand to include new forms of mobility, services and planning. Indeed, urban mobility is constantly evolving, whilst complexity and integration of transport systems is continuously increasing, motivating the development of new technologies and services, and emphasizing the need for solutions aiming at improving sustainability and livability of cities.

We are hiring!

  • 28 August 2023
  • News

We are hiring 2Milan, August 2023

Job profile: sustainable urban mobility policy analyst

We aim to recruit a senior/intermediate consultant with expertise in sustainable urban mobility policies to reinforce our specialised and dynamic team in the Milano office.

The company

TRT Trasporti e Territorio is an Italian consultancy specialised in economics, planning and modelling of transport and mobility. The company provides consultancy services and carries out research activities in quantitative analysis, planning and economic evaluation of transport and land use policies. Founded in 1992, with premises in Milano and Brussels, TRT has gained a strong reputation in its professional and R&D activities supporting public and private decision makers. TRT staff includes experts in the fields of transport modelling, engineering, economics, urban and regional planning, statistics and operation research and is accustomed to working in multidisciplinary teams and international consortia.
In Italy TRT clients include the different levels of the Public Administration (from Ministries, regions and, municipalities) as well as transport services operators and real estate investors. In Europe and in extra-European countries, TRT carries out consultancy and research activities for the European Commission, the European Parliament and for financial institutions such as the World Bank and the European Investment Bank.

TRT joins SLOCAT Partnership!

We are pleased to announce that TRT Trasporti e Territorio has joined the SLOCAT (Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport) Partnership. As the name of the initiative suggests, the partnership focuses on promoting and enabling collaborative knowledge and action for sustainable, low carbon transport.

SLOCAT is an international partnership involving more than 90 associations, transportation companies, universities, government agencies, and NGOs, cooperating to promote a more equitable, more resilient and healthier transport and mobility systems.

SLOCAT’s main activities include being active in international and local advocacy campaigns on sustainable transport and climate, participating and organizing peer-learning and capacity building initiatives, drafting thematic reports, guidelines and recommendations, etc.

Through this collaboration, TRT will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive mobility at the global level, establish synergies with the partnership’s members and have access to a wide network of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. In particular, TRT will collaborate with them by participating to development of reports and studies, sharing our work and results with partners working on similar issues, and much more.

Harmony final conference

  • 28 February 2023
  • News


The H2020 funded project HARMONY concludes with the final conference in Barcelona. 20 partners from 9 different countries worked together to enable metropolitan area authorities to lead a sustainable transition to a low-carbon new mobility era. The HARMONY Model Suite has been implemented by linking models at strategical, tactical and operational levels, leading to a spatial and multimodal planning tool. A mobile application – the MOBY App – has been developed to collect urban transport data, to be used in the Activity-Based model, one of the most recent modelling algorithms to simulate mobility habits.

HARMONY Model Suite: an integrated platform for sustainable mobility planning in Turin

  • 4 November 2022
  • News

WORKSHOP – Turin, November 14th, 2022 – 10.45-15.30



HARMONY is a European project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Programme. It began in June 2019 and is scheduled to end in February 2023. The consortium, coordinated by the University College of London, consists of 21 partners from 9 European countries. HARMONY’s main goal is to develop a new generation of harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools which comprehensively model the dynamics of the changing transport sector and spatial organisation, enabling metropolitan area authorities to lead the transition to a low carbon new mobility era in a sustainable manner.

HARMONY H2020 Training Workshops

  • 26 October 2022
  • News

Digital banner_ALL_final version

The H2020 funded project HARMONY aims to develop a new generation of harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools, to represent new forms of mobility for freight and people, enabling metropolitan areas authorities to lead the transition to a low carbon new mobility era in a sustainable manner.

The Rail Baltica transport demand model project is now completed

logo M neraRail Baltica is a rail transport infrastructure project that integrates the Baltic States in the European rail network connecting Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and indirectly also Finland. It is a fully interoperable railway line of more than 870 km in length designed for both passenger and freight transport and planned to become operational in 2027.

The Rail Baltica transport demand model project, led by TRT, has developed and implemented a multimodal transport model to forecast the passenger and freight demand for the Rail Baltica infrastructure up to the year 2056.

Our study on Costs and Benefits of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Transition is online

  • 11 November 2021
  • News

Tableau EIT result

How much will the transition to sustainable urban mobility cost in European cities? Which benefits and changes in mobility will it bring? What will be the most cost-effective policies to accelerate this transition?

These are some of the questions that a new study from TRT Trasporti e Territorio has been replying to.

The study, commissioned by EIT Urban Mobility and released today, produced a quantification of the costs and benefits of the transition to sustainable urban mobility in European cities by 2030 and 2050. The analysis was carried out with the modelling tool MOMOS, which allowed to assess the impacts of different mobility transition scenarios.

The costs of freight transport during the Covid-19 pandemic

An article on freight transport during the Covid-19 pandemic was published in the July/August 2021 issue of Il Giornale della Logistica. Starting from the activity carried out by TRT on behalf of the Bank of Italy, which involves a constant monitoring of the costs of international freight transport to/from Italy, the article proposes an analysis of the trends that characterized 2020 with a focus on different transport modes: road, rail, air, sea.

Read here (only in italian).





Global knowledge exchange online event on E-buses: from pilots to mainstreaming

  • 27 August 2021
  • News


TRT is organising a Global knowledge exchange online event on 16 and 17 September, a cooperation between the World Bank Group and the CIVITAS initiative.

E-mobility stakeholders from Latin America and Europe will come together to share perspectives and discuss policy pathways for the deployment of e-buses in urban public transport fleets.


Have a look to the programme and register for the event following this LINK!!

The event will be organised in English, Spanish and Portuguese.