Evaluation of EU regulation on TEN-T rail freight corridors
The evaluation support study of Regulation (EU) No 913/2010, coordinated by TRT on behalf of the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, covered all the provisions of the Regulation, all the European countries participating in a Rail Freight Corridor (RFC) and addressed the period from the establishment of the RFCs until 2020.
The study identified the impact of the Regulation by comparing the actual developments in the rail freight sector, i.e. with the Regulation in place, with respect to a baseline situation describing the likely developments that would have occurred without this policy intervention. The study also took into account the activities related to the RFCs going beyond the provisions of the Regulation, addressing for instance technical and operational interoperability along the RFCs. Furthermore, the study covered the activities of the rail sector undertaken in the period of analysis and contributing to the objectives of the Regulation.
TRT was responsible for the design of the evaluation, the definition of an evaluation baseline, the analysis of the stakeholders consultation, the analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Regulation and the estimation of costs and benefits from the implementation.
Link to the project page.