TRT Trasporti e Territorio is an independent consultancy, with offices in Milan and Brussels, specialising in mobility and transport economics, planning and modelling.
Founded in 1992, the company has a solid reputation in consulting and research and development to support public and private decision-makers. TRT has numerous qualified professional experiences in: strategic planning, urban mobility, research, project evaluation and feasibility studies, mobility demand analysis and forecasting, logistics and freight transport, collective transport planning and regulation, energy and environment.
TRT Trasporti e Territorio has always been attentive to the innovation of both policies and tools of analysis and evaluation, and has developed a consolidated ability to integrate consulting services together with the results of constant research activities on issues such as sustainable urban mobility policies, mobility as a service, Information Technology applications, energy efficiency of transport systems, reduction of climate-changing emissions, gender mobility, etc.
1000+ National and international projects since 1992
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300+ Clients in Italy, in Europe and worldwide
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200+ National and international partners
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If you are interested in working with us
Lo staff
Our team is specialised in transport modelling, transport engineering and economics, urban and regional systems planning, statistics and operational research and has a consolidated experience of working in multidisciplinary teams and international consortia.
Our commitment to gender equality
TRT has always pursued gender equality at all company levels. Take a look to know where we stand and what are our commitments.
The company directors

Angelo Martino
Silvia Maffii
Patrizia Malgieri
Enrico Pastori
Fabio Torta
PartnerThe staff and experts

Giuseppe Galli
Riccardo Parolin
Espedito Saponaro
Claudia de Stasio

Francesca Fermi

Davide Fiorello

Tito Stefanelli

Dorota Bielańska

Amarilli Binoni

Stefano Borgato

Vanesa Casolo

Cosimo Chiffi

Francesco Chirico

Carla Giaume

Maria Francesca Groza

Agrippino Gulizia

Lyubomir Klyambarski

Andrea Lai

Sofia Pechin

Marcello Pinna

Edoardo Repetto

Davide Tessarollo

Ivan Uccelli

Andrea Vercillo