Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and Urban Plan for Cycling Mobility of the Metropolitan City of Naples
The Metropolitan City of Naples has commissioned the temporary grouping of companies consisting of TRT Ingegneria (agent), Sintagma (Principal) and TPS Pro (agent) to draft the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and the related “Biciplan” (Urban Plan for Cycling Mobility).
The SUMP is draft in accordance with the guidelines issued by the former MIT today MIMS. Launched in September 2021, the drafting of the SUMP involves several phases:
- Definition of the “territorial knowledge framework”;
- Definition of Plan targets and objectives;
- Definition of policies, strategies and actions;
- Construction of scenarios and definition of the Plan Proposal;
- VAS and VIA (strategic and impact – environmental assessments).
Along the drafting, the participatory process plays a fundamental role in all the activities underpinning the SUMP according to its own Participation and Communication Plan.
TRT contribution in the SUMP drafting includes – in addition to participation along the entire process of the Plan elaboration – the drafting of the Biciplan and two thematic studies: freight transport and urban logistics and transport of people with reduced mobility.
The Urban Plan of Cycling Mobility (Biciplan) promotes the use of bicycles as a mode of transport for daily, touristic and recreational activities, improving the safety of cyclists. The Biciplan identifies the strategic metropolitan network with itineraries that connect, in synergy with public transport, the urban centres as well as main attraction and intermodal poles.

Partecipazione del Biciplan – Mappa interattiva Napoli Città Metropolitana
Sustainable urban freight transport and logistics address the rationalization of freight transport on a metropolitan scale cutting negative impacts and externalities linked with the distribution and the transportation of goods in urban areas.
Transport of people with reduced mobility analyses measures to ensure maximum accessibility, autonomy and ease of travel through universally accessible means by removing architectural and virtual barriers. The fundamental objective is the definition of coordinated actions concerning the structure of services, accessibility to transport infrastructures (railway and underground service stations, interchange parking lots, ports, airports, etc.) and the increased participation of people with reduced mobility to public spaces.
For more information (only available in italian)
- Documenti consultabili sul sito del PUMS di Città Metropolitana di Napoli
News (only available in italian)
- Napoli: Borrelli incontra progettisti del PUMS. Tra i temi il tram veloce per la zona Nord, 13 maggio 2022
Archivio progetti
Project Description
Città Metropolitana di Napoli
2021 – ongoing
Espedito Saponaro