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The costs of freight transport during the Covid-19 pandemic

An article on freight transport during the Covid-19 pandemic was published in the July/August 2021 issue of Il Giornale della Logistica. Starting from the activity carried out by TRT on behalf of the Bank of Italy, which involves a constant monitoring of the costs of international freight transport to/from Italy, the article proposes an analysis of the trends that characterized 2020 with a focus on different transport modes: road, rail, air, sea.

Read here (only in italian).





Global knowledge exchange online event on E-buses: from pilots to mainstreaming

  • 27 August 2021
  • News


TRT is organising a Global knowledge exchange online event on 16 and 17 September, a cooperation between the World Bank Group and the CIVITAS initiative.

E-mobility stakeholders from Latin America and Europe will come together to share perspectives and discuss policy pathways for the deployment of e-buses in urban public transport fleets.


Have a look to the programme and register for the event following this LINK!!

The event will be organised in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


SUMP for the City of Tirana published on Eltis Portal

SUMP Tirana

TRT supported the city of Tirana in the development of their first SUMP! The study was part of SUMSEEC II initiative, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and implemented by GIZ.

Have a look to the case study published today on the Eltis Portal!

For more information also check the project page on our website.

Eltis Case studies presents and analyses successful local examples of sustainable urban mobility initiatives and strategies


Re-Thinking mobility poverty

The recently-terminated HiReach project has just published a book entitled “Re-thinking Mobility Poverty. Understanding User´s Geographies, Backgrounds and Aptitudes”. TRT, the HiReach coordinator, directly contributed of the writing several chapters.

IThe book, which is based on the analytical phase of project, seeks to better conceptualise and define mobility poverty, addressing both its geographies and socio-economic landscapes.

It examines the social construction of mobility poverty by delving into mobility patterns and needs as they are differently experienced by social groups in different geographical situations and also offers a comparison of the global phenomenon through fieldwork conducted in the six different HiReach study regions.

Study on employment and social impacts of connected and automated driving (CAD)

TRT together with Ecorys (lead), M-Five, VTT, SEURECO, ERTICO, UITP and IRU analysed the employment and social impacts of connected and automated driving (CAD). The 16-month study was finalised end of last year and has now been published. The study was implemented for the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission. It provides an analysis of the short, medium- and long-term impacts of CAD on jobs, employment, skills and knowledge, as well as an investigation and elaboration of options in key policy areas in order for the European Union to take timely action.

The main report presents four different scenarios outlining future CAD deployment and fleet compositions up to 2050. The main part of the report provides an analysis of the employment and social impacts along these four scenarios, highlighting expected quantitative as well as qualitative impacts. Results show likely severe social impacts on the road transport sector. In exchange with stakeholders, we developed 22 policy options to address this transition. The policy options are presented in the final part of the report. These policy options have been operationalised by adding a timeline and by describing the role of various actors with the goal of setting the groundwork for a social roadmap for CAD deployment. The supporting annexes provide additional information with more detailed findings, as well as information on the methodology used to come to these results.

TRT involves innovative mobility startups within the HiReach Startup Lab

  • 25 November 2019
  • News


The HiReach project, in collaboration with Impact Hub Vienna, has launched the HiReach Startup Lab, a Europe-wide accelerator program for mobility startups. The program is an opportunity to develop innovative solutions that address transport poverty. HiReach supports startups willing to improve the accessibility of urban and rural areas considering the needs of vulnerable citizens (low-income, women, children, elderly, migrants, etc.).

The accelerator program offers startups a unique opportunity to prototype their solutions with the support of a dedicated Host Company, professional business coaching, and financial support up to 20.000 EUR. The top 5-10 startups will showcase at the ITS European Congress in Lisbon in May 2020 and during the demo day in Brussels in September 2020.