City of Prato, Urban Traffic Plan

Prato – Urban Traffic Plan (PGTU)


After drawing up the SUMP (a strategic mobility plan with a ten-year validity) approved in 2016, TRT was responsible for preparing the Urban Traffic Plan (PGTU) of the city of Prato, 190,000 inhabitants near Florence, Italy.

The PGTU is the “action plan” of the SUMP, thus detailing SUMP short-term actions both in the Reference Scenario and in the Planning Scenario.

The activities concerned:

  • the design and supervision of a campaign to detect urban traffic flows at 12 sections and 15 urban intersections;
  • the adaptation to a more detailed scale of the traffic simulation model (AIMSUN, already available at Municipal level) and its calibration;
  • the design of the Reference Scenario, which included actions already approved and financed, and of the Planning Scenario with particular attention to the measures that can be implemented in the short term (road network, public transport, cycling, demand-management policies, parking, urban logistics, ITS), consistent with what has been proposed by the SUMP;
  • the assessment of the planning scenario as well as the preparation of the related indicators and graphic outputs.

The PGTU has been approved by the Municipal Council on 27/12/2018 with the act n. 477.

Archivio progetti

Project Description

Municipality of Prato, Italy

2016 – 2018

Ivan Uccelli