Bike path project along Via Emilia Ovest, Modena

Technical-economic feasibility project for the bicycle path along via Emilia Ovest in the section between viale Virgilio and the village of Marzaglia

TRTIngegneria was selected after a call for tenders to draw up a technical-economic feasibility project for a bicycle infrastructure parallel to the SS9 via Emilia Ovest in the Modena area.

The project infrastructure, envisaged by PUMS2030, connects the roundabout between the SS9 and viale Virgilio with the village of Marzaglia, on the border with the municipality of Rubiera. In the road junction of viale Virgilio there are some existing and planned cycle paths that allow to reach the centre of Modena and the productive areas located on the north side of via Emilia Ovest.

The cycle path passes through different contexts, both urban, peri-urban and country, integrating into already partly urbanised, acting as a reconnecting element for slow and sustainable mobility in the western sector of Modena.

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Along its route it encounters several elements that constrain its path, in particular a section already built (at the railway underground passage under the standard Bologna-Milan line), a heritage-listed building, the consolidated urban grid of Cittanova town as well as the presence of shops and important mobility infrastructures, such as a split-level intersection for access to the Grandemilia shopping centre.

The project follows the indications for the technical-economic feasibility project indicated in Article 23 of Legislative Decree 50/2016. The body of the project consists of the general documentation with the technical report, the preliminary maintenance plan, the plan for the use of excavated earth, the economic framework, the summary calculation of expenditure, the measures aimed at protecting health and safety in the workplace, and the pre-feasibility studies for the environment, landscape and prior verification of archaeological interest.

Then there is a non-technical summary and the general report that contains the regulatory and planning references, the description of the state of affairs, the description and evaluation of the different alternatives with their relative interferences, the availability of areas, compliance with the DNSH principle, the timetable and the economic and financial aspects.

Another part of the project body are the graphic drawings. These include the general framework chorography, the planimetry of the actual and project state (the latter covering all the project alternatives on topographical relief, on photomosaic and on the excerpts of the territorial planning instruments), the longitudinal profile, the road signs, the detailed plan of the interferences with the plants and underground services, the description of the special manufactured articles and structures, the standard sections, the current cross sections, the general indication of the work-site areas and the photo-insertions.


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Project Description

CAP – Consorzio Attività Produttive Aree e Servizi per conto del Comune di Modena

2022 – 2023

Davide Tessarollo