Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Ravenna (Italy) and sectorial mobility plans
As a result of a tendering procedure, TRT Trasporti e Territorio, in association with META Mobilità Economia Territorio Ambiente and ITL Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica, has been selected by the City of Ravenna to prepare their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) and the related sectorial mobility plans.
Team’s activity is focussed on the preparation of the following documents, among other:
- Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, which is articulated in several methodological steps related to: 1) monitoring and assessment of the current SUMP’s results; 2) background analysis of the mobility-related framework and its environmental, social and economic impact in Ravenna; 3) identification of the strategies for the construction of the SUMP scenarios; 4) design of detailed alternative scenarios for the SUMP; 5) evaluation procedure, implementing a ex ante transport model (VISUM). The environmental sustainability of the SUMP is verified through the application of the SEA procedure.
- Public Transport Plan, coherently developed with the SUMP, which includes a technical and economic feasibility study for the implementation of a low- or zero-emissions public transport system.
- General Urban Traffic Plan, prepared from objectives, strategies and measures previously defined in the selected short-term scenario of the SUMP.
- Urban Parking Plan, Functional Classification of the Road Network, Electric Mobility Plan, Road Safety Plan, Cycling Mobility Plan, Strategic document on urban logistics.
The drafting of the Plans makes use of innovative methods for the quantification of Ravenna’s transport demand (for example, using data derived from the analysis of the cellular network), which are flanked by more traditional site surveys (vehicle counts, origin-destination surveys, counts on PT lines and at stops, etc.).
Finally, all phases are accompanied by a vast communication and participation campaign, which sees the involvement of citizens and stakeholders through public meetings and online questionnaires.
Archivio progetti
Project Description
Comune di Ravenna
2021 – in corso
Ivan Uccelli