SUMI, Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators

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Identification and collection of a set of indicators for the description of the urban sustainable mobility in European cities

SUMI ENGThe SUMI project provided technical support for the identification and the collection of a set of sustainable urban mobility indicators in 50 European large and small urban areas.

Main project activities were related to:

  • providing rigorous and consistent methodologies for acquisition, harmonisation and analysis of data for the calculation of indicators; this included the definition of a «mentor» for each indicator, i.e. a reference experts capable to sort out all related technical issues;
  • giving technical support to the urban areas and systematically collecting their hands-on experiences; appointed «urban area coaches» had the responsibility to establish direct links between the project consortium and the urban areas and help city administrations to gather the needed data;
  • carrying on consultation, capacity building and dissemination actions addressed to subjects both inside and outside of the project;
  • preparing realistic, harmonised and sound recommendations to the Commission for further improvement and extension of the indicator set;
  • definition of an online benchmarking tool, available for European and non-European cities, aimed at comparing the indicators of each urban area with reference average values.


TRT has been a key partner of the project, with direct responsibility in the coordination of data acquisition and technical assistance to the local experts, being «mentor» for four different mobility indicators. In addition, TRT experts have been «urban area coaches » for cities in Italy.


The SUMI indicator set

SUMI 1 -indicatori


For more information:


Project Description

European Commission DG MOVE

2018 – 2020

Ivan Uccelli