SLOWMOVE – A study on the development of e-mobility in the waterway between Locarno and Milan
TRT, together with Ambiente Italia, was entitled by Novara Province to develop a study within the INTERREG project «SLOWMOVE Ponti d’acqua verso il futuro. Lo sviluppo del trasporto lungo il Lago Maggiore, il Ticino ed il sistema dei canali secondo una prospettiva di rispetto ambientale e di incremento del turismo green» (SLOWMOVE Water bridges towards future. Development of the territory along Maggiore lake, Ticino river and canals in a perspective of environmental protection and development of green tourism).
The first phase of this study was focusing on supply of charging stations and other electrified modes of transport. Moreover, it provided an overview of the area by linking together demographic data, tourist attractions, tourism statistics, etc. Furthermore, a legislative analysis was included for both Italy and Switzerland, regarding inner water navigation, e-mobility and its charging standards together with an overview of planning documentation.
The second phase consisted in the formulation of three different scenarios (high, medium and low) that tried to foresee the development of the charging station infrastructure. Those scenarios were evaluated by local stakeholders with a participative process.
Eventually, a third phase included an economical and an environmental impact of the identified scenarios. The first one evaluated the investment cost for every scenario and the demand characteristics. The second compared environmental performances of traditional and electric mobility and it estimated emission reduction.
For more information (available only in italian)
- Press release about Slowmove workshop “La vocazione del territorio di Slowmove per la mobilità sostenibile lungo l’idrovia. L’indotto economico legato alla fruizione turistica e allo sviluppo del settore” (The vocation of the Slowmove area for sustainable mobility along the waterway. The economic impact of tourism and its development)
- YouTube video of Slowmove workshop “La vocazione del territorio di Slowmove per la mobilità sostenibile lungo l’idrovia. L’indotto economico legato alla fruizione turistica e allo sviluppo del settore” (The vocation of the Slowmove area for sustainable mobility along the waterway. The economic impact of tourism and its development)
- The report published on Novara Province website
- The program of the conference “Waterway & Mobility State of the Art, Results and Perspectives” (“Idrovia&Mobilità Stato dell’arte, risultati e prospettive”) and its presentations (in italian)
- The program of the conference “A lighthouse on the waterway” (“Un faro sull’idrovia” in italian) and the video of the first part of the event, during which TRT presented its cotribution (in italian).
Project Description
Novara Province
2020 – 2021
Davide Tessarollo