La Spezia – Studio trasportistico del “Nuovo molo Crociere nel primo bacino della Spezia”
The mobility analysis of the interventions related to the “New cruise pier in the first basin of La Spezia” drafted by TRT was part of the environmental compatibility verification phase of the Project as “functional technical adaptation” of the PRP of La Spezia port and had the following objectives :
- evaluate any restrictions or opportunities in the sectorial plans and programs in order to verify the consistency of the proposed interventions or specific problems;
- estimate the land side traffic produced by the current maritime traffic and expected at two future reference years (2025 and 2035);
- evaluate the impact in terms of the ratio of traffic to capacity, both at local and at regional level.
The planning framework was also verified, in relation to the proposed interventions location, the planning tools as well as the traffic forecasts of the cruise pier contained in the previous study developed by TRT through an adjustment of traffic forecasts both sea side and land side.
Finally, the traffic impact analysis was carried out.
Project Description
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale
Espedito Saponaro