Drafting of the executive design including the elements of the definitive project necessary for the Services Conference of two parts of the VENTO cycle route between Piacenza, Fossadello and Cremona
TRTIngegneria was commissioned by AIPO to draw up the executive design of two sections of the VENTO cycle path: the Piacenza-Fossadello priority lot and the Fossadello-Cremona lot E1. The second mentioned lot is financed by funds linked to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Stralcio del PFTE di VENTO presso Piacenza
Starting from the Technical-Economic Feasibility Project developed at an interregional level, TRTingegneria develops the executive project of the lots indicated above, in particular the in-depth study of the detailed aspects, by means of a chorography of the framework, the plan of the project insertion both on aerial photos and on CTR, the list and analysis of prices with the incidence of labour, the metric computation, the economic framework, the report on the excavated soil and rocks and the descriptive-performance specifications of the work.
As for the specialised reports, TRTingegneria develops the geological and geotechnical report in addition to the hydrological and hydraulic report, the environmental report, the preventive check of archaeological interest, the technical report of the electrical systems, the interference resolution and their planimetry.
On the urban planning side, landscape and historical/cultural constraints are analysed, as well as interferences with the Natura 2000 Network and the drainage and irrigation system. Similarly, the technical maps of the municipal regulatory plans (or similar instruments) will be analysed to verify the project’s inclusion.
Finally, TRTingeneria develops the road design of the cycle track, with detailed plans on planimetric survey, with details of intersections, longitudinal profile, current and typological sections. Road construction details, signage, parking areas, water collection system and electrical installations are also included.
Project Description
AIPO – Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po
2023 – In corso
Davide Tessarollo