Study on exploring the possible employment implications of connected and automated driving
The European Commission has commissioned a study focused on getting a better understanding of the impacts on work and employment in the transport sector resulting from the introduction of vehicles with connected and autonomous driving (CAD).
The study is aimed at supporting the development of adequate policies to promptly mitigate any negative impacts.
Part of a consortium led by Ecorys (NL) and participated by M-Five (DE), VTT (FI), SEURECO (FR), ERTICO, IRU and UITP, TRT is in charge of the design and development of 4 explorative scenarios that consider different levels of penetration of CAD vehicles for the evaluation of the consequent employment repercussions.
The evaluation of the impacts is supported by two modelling tools on a European scale ASTRA and NEMESIS.
Scenarios’ creation is supported by the Scenario Model. Developed by TRT in System Dynamics, the Scenario Model considers the main drivers on both the supply and demand sides, which influence the uptake of autonomous driving vehicles.
The elements on the supply side concern the technology and the conditions of use of CAD; the elements on the demand side concern requirements, preferences and constraints that guide the choice of modes and means of transport.
In addition to supply and demand, a third important aspect considered by the model is the regulation introduced by authorities concerning the use of CAD vehicles in different environments.
For more information:
- The Main Report and its annexes are available for download;
- A brochure of the report is available too;
- The findings were also presented during a conference in September 2020, where stakeholders in road transport discussed a potential social roadmap for automation.
Archivio progetti
Project Description
European Commission, DG RTD
Claudia de Stasio