Business models to scale-up e-mobility in Uruguay

Technical Assistance to Develop a Business Model to Finance and Scale-up E-Mobility in Uruguay

Mobilità Elettrica UruguayUruguay has an emerging electric vehicle sector, with good growth prospects and a strong policy agenda on fleet electrification. The country has committed to several mitigation measures in the transport sector, such as the introduction of electric vehicles in public transport, of utility electric vehicles and the installation of the first electrical route of Latin America connecting Colonia-Montevideo-Chui.

The main objective of this project is to provide a policy and regulatory guide for a smooth transition to e-mobility in Uruguay and help the country to achieve an efficient and sustainable transport decarbonisation, through:

  • Diagnosis of the current infrastructure and regulatory situation of e-mobility;
  • Assessment of the several pilot projects already developed;
  • Identification of desired business models and financing scheme for e-buses and private EVs;
  • Propose a policy and regulatory guide to achieve overall e-mobility expansion targets in a time-line consistent with Uruguayan Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement objectives;
  • Propose a consistent and sustainable body of fiscal incentives and subsidies to favour and promote the previous e-mobility targets.


The project is carried out by an international consortium led by MRC Consultants and Transaction Advisers (ES) and composed by TRT (IT) and SEG Ingeniería (UY).

TRT is specifically involved in the project component related to private e-mobility, as well as in the fiscal impact assessment to proposed measures and policies.


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The project will provide a set of outputs including:

  • E-bus financing alternative sschemes with estimated cost impact, timeframe, and impact on rolling stock;
  • Assessment of long-term fiscal impact and ways to ensure efficiency and sustainability of alternative schemes;
  • Regulatory and fiscal incentive schemes to sustainably increase use of private e-vehicles;
  • Long-term fiscal impact analysis of incentives and tax revenues from foregone taxes, and elaborate recommendations;
  • Two public workshops and related materials available for knowledge sharing.


Project Description

World Bank


Simone Bosetti